Los marineros son las alas del amor,
son los espejos del amor,
el mar les acompaña,
y sus ojos son rubios lo mismo que el amor
rubio es también, igual que son sus ojos.
La alegría vivaz que vierten en las venas
rubia es también,
idéntica a la piel que asoman;
no les dejéis marchar porque sonríen
como la libertad sonríe,
luz cegadora erguida sobre el mar.
Si un marinero es mar,
rubio mar amoroso cuya presencia es cántico,
no quiero la ciudad hecha de sueños grises;
quiero sólo ir al mar donde me anegue,
barca sin norte,
cuerpo sin norte hundirme en su luz rubia.
* * *
Sailors are the wings of love,
They are the mirrors of love,
The sea accompanies them,
And their eyes are blond just as love
Is blond, just like their eyes.
The lively happiness that flows in their veins
Is also blond,
Just like the skin it shows through;
Don't let them get away because they smile
As freedom smiles,
Blinding light erect over the sea.
If a sailor is the sea,
Blond amorous sea whose presence is poetry,
I don't want the city made of grey dreams;
I only want to go to the sea where I can drown,
A boat without bearing,
A body without bearing, immersing myself in its blond light.
Translated by Rick Lipinski